Rabu, 09 Desember 2020


1. Navigation the IOS

part 1: 

Question :

1. wich command begins with the letter 'c' ? connect

2. wich commands are displayed if type 't?' ? telnet terminal traceroute

3. wich commands are displayed if type 'te?' ? telnet terminal

part 2:

Question :

1. what information is displayed that discribes the enable command? connect, disable, enable, disconnect, exit, logout, ping, resume, show, telnet, terminal, traceroute

2. what displays after pressing the 'en<Tab>' ? enable

3. what would happend if you type 'te<Tab>' ? telnet terminal

4. type 'enable' and press ENTER. how does the prompt change? siwtch#

5. when prompt 'switch#', type the question mark (?). wich command are displayed if type 'c?' ? clear clock configure connect copy

6. what is the message that is displayed if type 'conf<Tab>' ? configure

7. how does the prompt change if type 'configure terminal' ? switch(config)#

 Part 3:

Question :

1. type 'show clock' at the prompt. what information displayed? what is the year that is displayed? *0:34:34.675 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993

2. type 'clock' and ENTER. what information is displayed? incomplete command

3. type 'clock ?'. what information is displayed? set Set the time and date

4. type 'clock set ?'. what information is being requested? hh:mm:ss Current Time

5. type 'cl' and ENTER. what information was return? ambigous command

6. type 'clock' and ENTER. what information was return? incomplete command

7. type 'clock set 25:00:00' and ENTER. what information was return? invalid input detected

8. type 'clcok set 15:00:00 32' and ENTER. what information was return? invalid input detected

2. Configuring Initial Switch Setting


1. how many Fastethernet interface does the switch have? 24

2. how many Gigabit Ethernet interface does the switch have? 2

3. what is the range of values shown for the vty line? 16

4. which command will display the current contents of non-volatile random-access memory? show startup-config

5. why does switch respond with startup-config is not present? karena file konfigurasi tidak disimpan pada NVRAM, sementara saat ini hanya tersimpan di RAM

Part 2

Question :

1. why is the login command required? untuk memeriksa apakah kata sandi bekerja ketika dibutuhkan saat ingin login

2. what displayed for the enable secret password? $1$mERr$1jEN1eKzr5IbOzUxcyHld

3. why is the enable sceret password displayed differently from what configure? enable secret ditampilkan dalam bentuk enkripsi

part 3: 

Question :

1. when will this banner be displayed? pesan akan ditampilkan bila ada orang yang mencoba masuk ke switch melalui Port Console

2. why should every switch have a MOTD banner? setiap switch wajib memiliki wajib MOTD banner untuk memperingatkan user terhadap akses yang tidak sah

3. what is the shortest, abbreviated version copy running-config startup-config command? cop r st

4. wich command will display the conntent of NVRAM? show startup-config

5. are the changes that were entered recorded in the file? yes


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